What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, Ancient Indian System of Medicines deals with knowledge that can define the quality and quantum of social and personal health status and ways to restore, maintain and upgrade it based on certain principles. The word "Ayurveda" is derived from the word Ayus meaning "life," and the word veda, which refers to "system of knowledge". Thus "Ayurveda" roughly translates as the "knowledge or science of life"

Ayurveda deals elaborately with measures of healthful living during the entire span of life and its various phases. Besides dealing with principles for maintenance of health, it has also developed a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat illness. These principles of positive health and therapeutic measures related to physical, mental, social and spiritual welfare of human beings.

Panchakarma – Science Of Detoxification

Ayurvedic approach towards the treatment consists of two major categories, Samshodhana Chikitsa (Biopurification of the body) and Samshamana Chikitsa (Palliative treatment) Samshodhana therapy consists of a number of physico-physiologic measures advocated in the treatment of the diseases.

Panchkarma is the ancient system of Ayurvedic cleansing therapies designed to remove deep rooted stresses and toxins in physiology. The 'Pancha Karma therapy' is a similar Samshodhana regime. It is divided into 3 major parts viz. Purva Karma (Preparatory methods like Oleation and Fomentation), Pradhana Karma (main Samshodhana measures like Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya, Anuvasana) and Paschyata Karma (post therapy regimen).

We are ISO certified

Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchakarma Centre received ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system Certification.


Continuing with its legacy of excellence & trust in healthcare services for the last 10years in the city of Panvel Navi-Mumbai.


ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system , Certificate No :- 104160120

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September 2024

Panchakarma Treatment

Panchakarma Treatment



The therapy which provides the body oiliness as well as it makes the vitiated Doshas easily.



The procedure that alleviates the stiffness of the body, relieves sense of heaviness, & cures feeling of cold.



It is a process in which waste products i.e. vitiated Doshas are eliminated through the upper channels


It is a process in which waste products i.e. vitiated Doshas are eliminated through the lower channels.


It is a process of administration of medicated drugs through the rectum.


Uttar Basti

The Basti which is given in Upper (Uttar) passage i.e. Urinary or vaginal than usual anal).



It is a process of instillation of medicated nasal drops.



It is a process of blood letting by means of intravenous route or leech therapy etc.


Kati Basti

The procedure of applying heat to the sacral or lumbar region by retaining warm medicated oil with in a specially formed frame on this area.

Janu Basti

Retaining warm medicated oil over the painful knee joint for certain period.


Griva Basti

The procedure of applying heat to the cervical region by retaining warm medicated oil with in a specially formed frame.

ruday basria

Hriday Basti

This is a variety of snigdha sweda where the heat is applied to the painful anterior chest by retaining warm medicated oil within a specially formed frame.


Udvartanam (Body Slimming Massage)

It is a deep-dry massage with herbal powder or paste which reduces obesity, imparts mobility to joints, improves texture & complexion of skin.


Patra Pinda Sweda

This treatment is for osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, sports injuries etc.


Shiro Dhara

This treatment is effective for diseases above the neck, insomnia, impaired memory, spondylitis, paraplegia, neurological -disorders, stress & strain, fatigue and lack of vitality.



This treatment is highly effective for facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and the throat, severe headaches etc.


Pizhichil (Oil Bath Massage)

Kayaseka or Pizhichil with oil is a modified form of Parisheka Sweda developed as a specialty of Kerala. Pizhichil is the process by which the body is made to perspire by means of pouring warm medicated oil in a specific manner.


Navarakizhi (Rice Pudding Massage)

This treatment is useful in all kinds of rheumatism, paralysis, polio congenital deformity of limbs, dislocation of bones and joints etc.


Agni Karma

It is an intentional burn therapy in which point of maximum pain and tenderness is identified by the physician , also pathological lesions are identified with the help of investigations like Xray , MRI



Sushruta is considered as the pioneer of Kshara sutra Chikitsa. Kshara sutra is defined as a surgico-medicament thread processed by application of snuhi, Apamarga Kshara and Haridra which is real force of practice.

Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic

Services And Facilities Provided

In this program we offer special skin treatments for like Psoriasis, Urticaria, Acne, eczema , pigmentation, hair fall, dandruff, premature graying of hair, dark circles etc. After consultation at Centre doctor use to advise various medicines, dietary plans , Panchakarma procedures like Vamana , Virechana , Raktamokshana etc.

In this program we offer special treatments for Knee joint pain (osteoarthritis), Lumbar & cervical spondylosis , frozen shoulder , Rheumatoid arthritis & osteoporosis, osteo-malacia etc. After consultation at Centre doctor use to advise various medicines, Panchakarma procedures like Snehana, Swedna , Basti ,Janu-Kati-Manya Basti , tractions , dietary plans & various exercises etc.

In this program we offer special treatments for Indigestion , hyperacidity , constipation & other disorders of gastro-intestinal tract. After consultation at Centre doctor use to advise various medicines, Panchakarma procedures like Vamana, Virechana , Basti and dietary plans & yoga etc.

Suvarna prashan is an ayurvedic medicine for children 0- 6 years mainly given to increase immunity, recurrent illness, concentration and memory. Suvarnaprashan is given to children on every pushya nakshatra for at least one year

Overweight / Obesity increases the chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, high cholesterol, sleep disturbances, loss of libido & infertility etc. At Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchakarma Centre, we offer complete natural solution for obesity and its related morbidity. Its special therapeutic massage with herbal paste, oil etc. reduces weight, imparts mobility to joints, improves texture and complexion and stimulates the nerve endings.

In this program we offer special treatments for both male & female infertility. In males disorders like loss of libido , oligo-spermia , premature ejaculation are treated effectively with the help of various medicines , panchakarma procedures like Vamana , Virechana , Basti & Uttarbasti . In females disorders like PCOD & primary-secondary infertility are treated effectively with the help of various medicines , panchakarma procedures like Vamana , Virechana , Basti & Uttarbasti .

KAYAIt is a prime treatment for retarding the ageing process and arresting the degeneration of body cells and immunization of the system. The treatment includes intake of special ayurvedic tonics, diet and comprehensive body care programs. The program is either most effective for sex. It prevents you from all ailments, even chronic diseases. If one undergoes this therapy once a year, the person can live a long and disease free life.

skincareThis program is specially designed for people undergoing midlife crisis. Menopause, lifestyle disorders, stressful environment cause premature ageing, premature graying of hair, sagging muscles, wrinkled skin, memory loss etc. Anti ageing program provides body confidence and a new, younger look naturally and you can stay young for a long time to come.

abhyanga_thearpyThe Ayurvedic body massage therapy reduces stress and revitalizes the body. It improves the working power of the muscles and favors prompt recovery from the effects of fatigue. The treatment promotes the penetration of oil deep into the tissues so that impurities are loosened and eliminated from the cell structure. Massage therapy has a positive effect on neuromuscular apparatus and on respiratory organs.

Post delivery period is very crucial in a woman's life. It helps to relieve new mothers in their puerperal period by purifying the uterus. It helps the uterus to shrink to the normal size. The program removes backache, stretch marks and post delivery complications. Specially made herbal tonics provide complete nourishment and detoxification of body and regain total health.

The stress and strain of day-to-day life is a major factor for many chronic diseases. Lack of exercise, polluted environment and climatically unsuitable menu further drains away energy. We offer health rejuvenation programme that drive away all physical suffering, control several dreaded disabilities, ward off the middle age syndrome, retard the aging process and provide unlimited curative powers for body and mind by repairing the worn out tissues, revitalizing the body.

As you enhance the health of each of these factors, your fertility will begin to blossom. The following sections will walk you through a six-month preconception process and show you how each step enriches one or more of the four elements that we just addressed. The first phase is a three-month cleanse period, followed by a three-month rejuvenation period. The culmination is conception.

Have A Look At

Dr. Ashish's Mhatre Featured Books

Innovations In Ayurveda

This book is for the U.G / P.G students of Ayurveda as well as medical practitioners & those who are interested in practical approach of treatment of Ayurveda in their practice. In recent years, the Medical therapeutics has changed rapidly in certain areas & with new advancement in treatment modality in the market, need was felt to produce a literature which will be helpful for upcoming generations in Ayurveda. In this book Author has tried to include all major Parasurgical procedures in Ayurveda with their references as well as current practical approach. All chapters have been thoroughly covered with all important quotes. I have also tried to include probable mode of actions of procedure to understand about efficacy of these remedies.

Textbook Of Kayachikitsa - 1

Kayachikitsa is a most important branch of Ayurveda which deals with treatment of all disorders .This subject is taught in Final year B.A.M.S .This book addresses the theory & practical aspects of Kayachikitsa Paper I as per latest syllabus of CCIM. This book will help students to understand basic principles of treatment modalities, therapeutic approach to correction of Doshas, Dushyas & Malas including treatment plan for management of disorders. In this book the author has tried to include important references in Samhitas to understand Ayurvedic aspects where as modern syllabus has been covered with the help of reputed modern literature. So with the help of this book, the students will acquire knowledge of both Ayurveda as well as modern medical science. Core skills of communication, clinical examination, objective assessment & planning relevant investigation & management are the major points discussed in this book.

Textbook Of Kayachikitsa - 2

Kayachikitsa is a most important branch of Ayurveda which deals with treatment of all disorders .This subject is taught in Final year B.A.M.S .This book addresses the theory & practical aspects of Kayachikitsa Paper II as per latest syllabus of CCIM. This book will help students to understand basic treatment modalities, therapeutic approach to correction of Doshas, Dushyas & Malas including treatment plan for management of disorders. In this book the author has tried to include important references in Samhitas to understand Ayurvedic aspects where as modern syllabus has been covered with the help of reputed modern literature. So with the help of this book, the students will acquire knowledge of both Ayurveda as well as modern medical science. Core skills of communication, clinical examination, objective assessment & planning, relevant investigation & management are the major points discussed in this book.

Textbook Of Panchakarma

Panchakarma is the ancient system of Ayurvedic cleansing therapies designed to remove deep rooted stresses and toxins in physiology. Panchakarma is not only for detoxifying the body, but also for rejuvenation — strengthening the immune system, and restoring balance and well-being.It is one of the most effective healing modalities in Ayurvedic Medicine.Hence it is need of present era to provide knowledge of Ayurveda & Panchakarma both in ancient as well as modern scientific approach.This subject is taught in Final year B.A.M.S .This book addresses the theory & practical aspects of Panchakarma as per latest syllabus of CCIM. This book will help students to understand actualpanchakarma procedures & their importance in various disorders.. In this book the authors have tried to include important references in Samhitas to understand Ayurvedic aspects where as modern syllabus has been covered with the help of reputed modern literature. So with the help of this book, the students will acquire knowledge of Panchakarma both Ayurveda as well as modern medical science

Textbook Of skin disorders

Panchakarma is the ancient system of Ayurvedic cleansing therapies designed to remove deep rooted stresses and toxins in physiology. Panchakarma is not only for detoxifying the body, but also for rejuvenation — strengthening the immune system, and restoring balance and well-being.It is one of the most effective healing modalities in Ayurvedic Medicine.Hence it is need of present era to provide knowledge of Ayurveda & Panchakarma both in ancient as well as modern scientific approach.This subject is taught in Final year B.A.M.S .This book addresses the theory & practical aspects of Panchakarma as per latest syllabus of CCIM. This book will help students to understand actualpanchakarma procedures & their importance in various disorders.. In this book the authors have tried to include important references in Samhitas to understand Ayurvedic aspects where as modern syllabus has been covered with the help of reputed modern literature. So with the help of this book, the students will acquire knowledge of Panchakarma both Ayurveda as well as modern medical science

Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic

Diseases Information

It is a systemic connective tissue disorder which affects predominantly the synovial joints of hands & wrists. Pain, stiffness & swelling of small joints of hands & wrists are commonly involved in RA.

It is a degenerative joint disease in which articular cartilage looses its glossy appearance & becomes pitted & fibrillated.

It is type of arthritis of spine. It is an autoimmune disorder that causes back pain, stiffness and later disability. The discs between the vertebra gets swollen up and cause limitation in the movement. It starts in late adolescence.

It is a degenerative condition of the cervical spine causing compression of roots, cord or both. Neck pain, tingling sensation in Upper limb, giddiness are the commonest symptoms in Cervical spondylosis.

It is a degenerative disorder of Lumbo-sacral spine giving rise to disc degeneration, osteophyte formation and sometimes vascular degeneration, leading to spinal deformity, low back pain radiating down one or both lower extremities & features of lumbar radiculopathy.

Frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis. It is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in shoulder joint. As the condition worsens, shoulder's range of motion becomes markedly reduced.

It is a condition in which there is excess of body fat that posses a health risk. Approximately 20 % of excess over desirable weight imparts a health risk like Diabetes, hypertension & ischemic heart diseases. BMI of 30 or more in males & 28.6 or more in females indicate obesity.

It is chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat & protein metabolism attributed to diminished production of insulin or mounting resistance to its action. Polyuria, intense thirst with perhaps nocturia, polyphagia ,weight loss ,weakness , pruritus vulvae in females & balanities in males, loss of libido & impotence in middle aged males, occasionally blurring of vision are commonly observed symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus.

It is a disease in which there is myocardial impairment due to imbalance between coronary blood flow & myocardial requirement.

Kidney stones are usually formed in the kidneys from the substances in the urine. The stone varies in size and forms ranging from grains of sand to sizes as large as pearl. The shape also differs. The symptoms are pain in the lower back, radiating to thigh and groin, painful and or burning urination, blood in urine, fever with chills etc. the pain varies in various degrees

It is inflammation of sinus usually maxillary, frontal & ethmoidal sinus resulting in recurrent attacks of sneezing, nasal blockage, headache & cough like symptoms.

It is a syndrome characterized by increased hyper responsiveness of trachea & bronchi to various stimuli and manifested by acute, recurrent or chronic attacks of bronchial- bronchiolar narrowing. Breathlessness, dry irritating cough are the symptoms during attack.

Urticaria is a vascular reaction pattern characterized by a transient, pruritic wheals on the skin occurring on any site of the body.

It is a chronic, recurrent , inflammatory disease of the skin of unknown origin, characterized by well circumscribed, erythamatous, dry plaques of various sizes, and covered with mica like scales.

It is a common inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous follicles seen in adolescents, characterized by comedones which may be secondarily infected, resulting in papules, pustules, cysts, nodules and scars.

Allopecia means loss of hair in areas where ordinarily hair would be found.

It is characterized by a pervasive & sustained mood of sadness, a sense of hopelessness, helplessness and guilt, self-deprecation & ideas or delusion of poverty.

It is a familial disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of headache, widely variable in intensity, frequency and duration.

Infertility means inability to conceive after one year of regular sexual attempt without contraception when the couple gets worried for a baby. Male defect is seen in 40 % cases where as female defect in 50 % & 10 % cases are of unexplained origin.

It is a heterogeneous endocrine disorder with primarily ovarian morphological changes. Amenorrhea, anovulatory infertility and bilateral large white polycystic ovaries, obesity, hirsuitism and dysfunctional menorrhagia are found in PCOS.

These are the dilated veins within the anal canal in the sub-epithelial region formed by radicals of Superior, Middle and Inferior rectal veins.

It is a common disease of anus and a painful condition which makes the patient often anxious and embraced. The word ‘Fissure’ means crack. It is longitudinal crack in the long axis of the lower anal canal. In other words we can just say that it is true ulcer of the skin of the wall of the anal canal.

In- general, Fistula can be defined as a communicating tract between two epithelial surfaces, commonly between a hollow viscus and the skin (external fistula) or between two hollow viscera (internal fistula).

Garbha sanskar is a process of achiving Physcial, Mental, Spiritual & Emotional equilibrium state for both mother and child. Pregnancy should be by choice, and not by chance. During the months of pregnancy there is total development of child inside the womb of mother, during this state efforts are made for betterment and optimum development of your child. During intrauterine life approx. 60% of brian development occurs.

It is administration of medicated drops made up of Suvarna Bhasma, Brahmi,Jatamansi,Ghee Honey etc. It is given on every month of Pushya Nakshatra between 0-10 yrs of children.. It helps in improving immunity, memory & strength.

It includes all types of alcohol, nicotine & drug addiction


Mr. Dhanaji Vasave (Panvel) Psoriasis Patient

I was suffering from PCOS from last 3 years because of which my weight increased and infertility. ,I took all types of treatment , but no result found in my weight and no monthly cycle, till I take pill for menses, it became a monthly routine for me. Then I decided to try with Ayurveda. I consulted Dr. Ashish Mhatre and started my treatment. Firstly we did panchakarma (vamanam procedure) for detoxification and weight loss including massages, Basti etc. for around 15 days and ayurvedic medicines & dietary advice. It worked miracle. It took about 5 months for me for this treatment to get results (including Panchakarma) and overall my look changed I felt so energetic and healthy from inside. Thank you Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchakarma Centre.

Mr.Ashok Pawar (Kamothe) Sciatica / Slip-disc Patient

I had a back pain which became severe after lifting some weights, I had sciatica pain radiating in to my right. I found Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchakarma Centre at Panvel in Google and consulted Dr Ashish Mhatre. He did an accurate diagnosis and later MRI scan also confirmed a fairly disc protrusion. I have suggested my colleagues to Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchakarma Centre who are facing problems related to current living life style.

Miss Snehal Gawade (Khanda Colony) PCOS, Obesity Patient

I was suffering from PCOS from last 3 years because of which my weight increased and infertility. ,I took all types of treatment , but no result found in my weight and no monthly cycle, till I take pill for menses, it became a monthly routine for me. Then I decided to try with Ayurveda. I consulted Dr. Ashish Mhatre and started my treatment. Firstly we did panchakarma (vamanam procedure) for detoxification and weight loss including massages, Basti etc. for around 15 days and ayurvedic medicines & dietary advice. It worked miracle. It took about 5 months for me for this treatment to get results (including Panchakarma) and overall my look changed I felt so energetic and healthy from inside. Thank you Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchakarma Centre.

Mr.Dharmesh Vyaas (Panvel) Ankylosing Spondylitis Patient

On my left ankle a patch of psoriasis appeared in the beginning of 2014. First I consulted a dermatologist who said the cure would be a long process and the medicines may give some side effects. Scared of side effects, I tried with Homeopathy without any success. Then I decided to have treatment with Ayurveda and consulted Dr.Ashish Mhatre of Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchakarma Centre, Panvel . With the help of Panchakarma Procedures like Vamana, Virechana, Raktamokshana , ayurvedic medicines & dietary advice for 3 months the patch of psoriasis on my ankle completely disappeared. I am thankful to Dr.Ashish Mhatre for his wonderful treatment and also I appreciate his assuring and humane approach towards me during the treatment.

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Ayush Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchakarma Centre is a first clinic of its kind established in Panvel with all Panchakarma facilities for providing traditional Ayurvedic treatments.


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